Non-violent resistance is a method of conflict that confronts the enemy, but without weapons. It is not morally superior to violent methods, nor is it equivalent to pacifism. But its advantage is that anyone – young, old, male, female – can participate. This is important for a simple reason: the greater the number of people who participate, the greater the amount of disruption for the Russian occupiers.
When a Russian soldier walks around Melitopol and sees a trident painted somewhere, and then reads on Telegram that a car has been blown up somewhere, a picture comes together for him. He understands that both combat groups and civilians are working against him
Ukraine’s Special Operations Center with the callsign “Ostap”
Media about non-violent resistance
On 8 March 2023, International Women’s Day, Russian soldiers were handing out tulips and boughs of mimosa to women and girls in the city of Melitopol, southern Ukraine – a move designed to promote friendly relations between the occupiers and the inhabitants.
But the night before, someone had been discreetly sticking posters to walls and lamp-posts. They bore the image of a young Ukrainian woman, dressed in a traditional embroidered shirt, smashing a bouquet over a Russian soldier’s head. “I don’t want flowers,” read the slogan. “I want my Ukraine.”
This was one of the earliest acts of a women’s resistance movement in Russian-occupied Ukraine that claims hundreds of members, from Crimea in the south to the Luhansk region in the east…
Read more on The Guardian
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