Non-violent resistance is a method of conflict that confronts the enemy, but without weapons. It is not morally superior to violent methods, nor is it equivalent to pacifism. But its advantage is that anyone – young, old, male, female – can participate. This is important for a simple reason: the greater the number of people who participate, the greater the amount of disruption for the Russian occupiers.


Angry Mavka

Yellow Ribbon

When a Russian soldier walks around Melitopol and sees a trident painted somewhere, and then reads on Telegram that a car has been blown up somewhere, a picture comes together for him. He understands that both combat groups and civilians are working against him

Ukraine’s Special Operations Center with the callsign “Ostap”


Студентська революція на граніті стала першим успішним масовим актом ненасильницького спротиву в часи пізнього СРСР, передвісником проголошення Незалежності

Top 10 Methods of NVR

Студентська революція на граніті стала першим успішним масовим актом ненасильницького спротиву в часи пізнього СРСР, передвісником проголошення Незалежності

Non-violent resistance in Ukrainian tradition

Студентська революція на граніті стала першим успішним масовим актом ненасильницького спротиву в часи пізнього СРСР, передвісником проголошення Незалежності

Humour as a tool of anti-colonial non-violent resistance in Ukraine

Студентська революція на граніті стала першим успішним масовим актом ненасильницького спротиву в часи пізнього СРСР, передвісником проголошення Незалежності

What Russian narratives Ukrainians in the occupied territories are constantly facing

Media about non-violent resistance

On 8 March 2023, International Women’s Day, Russian soldiers were handing out tulips and boughs of mimosa to women and girls in the city of Melitopol, southern Ukraine – a move designed to promote friendly relations between the occupiers and the inhabitants.

But the night before, someone had been discreetly sticking posters to walls and lamp-posts. They bore the image of a young Ukrainian woman, dressed in a traditional embroidered shirt, smashing a bouquet over a Russian soldier’s head. “I don’t want flowers,” read the slogan. “I want my Ukraine.”

This was one of the earliest acts of a women’s resistance movement in Russian-occupied Ukraine that claims hundreds of members, from Crimea in the south to the Luhansk region in the east…

Read more on The Guardian

Also in 





Solidarity map

Ukraine, Melitopol
Ukraine, Melitopol
Ukraine, Melitopol
Ukraine, Melitopol
Ukraine, Melitopol
Ukraine, Simferopol
Ukraine, Simferopol
Ukraine, Simferopol
Ukraine, Simferopol
Ukraine, Crimea
Ukraine, Crimea
Ukraine, Crimea
Ukraine, Crimea
Ukraine, Crimea
Ukraine, Crimea
Ukraine, Dnister river
Ukraine, Ternopil
Ukraine, Luhansk
Canada, Ottawa
Canada, Ottawa
Canada, Ottawa
UK, London
UK, London
UK, London
UK, London
UK, Oxford
UK, Weymouth
USA, San Diego
USA, Washington
USA, Atlanta
USA, Hollywood
USA, New York
USA, New York
Croatia, Zagreb
Georgia, Tbilisi
Germany, Berlin
Germany, Hanover
Germany, Munich
Greece, Athens
Costa Rica
Ireland, Galway
Italy, Lecce
Italy, Rome
Montenegro, Porto
Portugal, Faro
Poland, Krakow
Belgium, Antwerpen
China, Hong Kong
Spain, Palma de Mallorca
Japan, Tokyo
Botswana, Gaborone
Egypt, Giza
South Africa, Johannesburg
Vernadsky Research Base, Antarctica
Australia, Melbourne
Australia, Queenland, Brisbane
Bangladesh, Dhaka
China, Shanghai
India, Kolkata
Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
Myanmar, Bagan
Sri Lanka, Mount Lavinia Beach
Agrentina, Buenos Aires
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Canada, Montreal
Chile, Santiago de Chile
USA, Niagara falls
USA, Colorado
Thailand, Bangkok
UK, Cornwall
USA, Washington
Belgium, Brugge
Belgium, Brussels
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Medjugorie
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
Estonia, Tallin
Hungary, Pecs
Switzerland, Lugano
Austria, Innsbruck
Bulgaria, Burgas
Czech Republic, Praha
Czech Republic, Praha
France, Chantilly
Georgia, Tbilisi
Germany, Berlin
Germany, Jena
Hungary, Budapest
Italy, Catania
Italy, Mount Etna
Italy, Milan
Italy, Rome
Moldova, Chisinau
Netherlands, Venlo
Portugal, Figueira da Foz
Portugal, Lisbon
Serbia, Belgrade
Slovenia, Ljubljana
Spain, Barcelona
Spain, Valencia
Switzerland, Basel
UK, Wales